When you're young and unemployed in a new town, what do you do? Sulk at home with your cats? No! You do this! And by "this," I mean you start a blog!


Sarah Palin: Idiot Auteur. Part 2 in a (Likely) Multi-Part Series

Oh, Sarah. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. You never fail to please me/astonish me/dumbfound me. Do you even know how to read? I know you don't know how to write, since you had that gay bashing loon write your book for you, but can you read a book? Could you maybe hire someone to read a book to you? Maybe one on American history?

Who here can name our Founding Fathers? Well, there's John Adams, for one. He was pretty important. Benjamin Franklin. Duh. Really important. Thomas Jefferson, clearly. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison also come to mind. And the Founding Fathers of our country aren't just the (rather large) group of men who signed the Declaration of Independence. They consist of all of the prominent figures who helped lead our country through our Revolution, like Thomas Paine, a brilliant man who is still cited as an influence in any number of protests in our country. Sadly, the Teabaggers seem to have co-opted for the time being, but they're stupid, so give them time and they'll pick someone else who would never agree with their ridiculous ideals. And yes, George Washington is a Founding Father. He's called The Father of our Country for a reason. He was our first president and he was a respected figurehead in his time. But he wasn't a real leader, not in the way men like John Adams and Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were. These are the men that did the wheeling and dealing that helped to fund our Revolution, the men with the big ideas if you will. So the fact that Sarah Palin would pick perhaps the weakest of these men (as far as overall ideology and actual desire to lead the country as president) as her favorite Founding Father, the one she respects THE MOST out of every single one of them (and there are a lot, to be sure) pretty much makes me smack my forehead. George Washington, eh? Diversity, huh? Diversity? Are you even aware of the period in history about which you are blabbering on about? You do understand that we had scores of slaves in this country, right? Hell, the majority of the Founding Fathers had slaves. Diversity? That's fantastic. Because, you know, ALL of our Founding Fathers were white dudes. I don't know if you've seen the many, many paintings that depict the signing of the Declaration of Independence or the hundreds of portraits (easily found) of these men, but that's not artistic license you're seeing there. They're white. White. Like you. That's not diverse. White, typically Protestant men. That's so diverse, it makes me sick. It's astonishing, really. I've never seen anything so diverse as America in the 1770s.

I'm sure you've seen this clip if you've watched the news since last night. Admittedly, I've been more enthralled in the horrific stories coming out of Haiti, as have most people, and rightfully so, but when I caught this little morsel of hilarity, I had to talk about it. I do have things to say about Haiti, too, though, and I will be getting to those in a separate post.

Back to Ma Palin and my original question: has she ever read a history book? Chris Matthews made a really good point about her a little bit ago (catch him around 7:45 PM during his repeat to see a segment about this topic) where he said that she's basically like the kid in school who hasn't read the book and they have to take an essay test explaining what happens in it. So they just ramble and ramble and ramble. I've been there. We all have. That's fine. But don't go on television and do the same thing. This touches on what I said yesterday: you're on TV talking about politics and our world and you're claiming there's a reason I should take you seriously. But you know NOTHING. NOTHING. YOU ARE A MORON, SARAH PALIN. PLEASE...SHUT THE HELL UP! Do you think typing in caps will help? Will she hear my plea, and the plea of millions of other people who are sick of her and her ilk (re: Glenn Beck, whose show she was on, by the by)? Doubtful. It's like she goes through life with cotton balls jammed in her ears.

Which is probably what I should do when I see her face pop up on my television. But it's like a giant, horrific car wreck with body parts splayed across the highway: I have to look. I just have to.

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