When you're young and unemployed in a new town, what do you do? Sulk at home with your cats? No! You do this! And by "this," I mean you start a blog!


Back to Life, Back to Reality

My lofty high school goal of becoming a professional, renowned, paid poet/novelist was clearly a pipedream. I can't even keep up with a blog on the regular. But I'm here! For now, at least.

In case you haven't spoken to me or Billy at all in the last seven months...well, we now own a home. Our first home, here in Charleston, West-by-God-Virginia. Our lofty post-college goal of moving to San Francisco and living in the coolest city of all time was clearly a pipedream. That, and San Francisco is friggin' expensive. And we didn't really have jobs lined up there. And we both have jobs here. So, buying a house in the city that will be our home for the foreseeable future seemed like a proper idea. And so it was. Since we moved in back in mid-April, we have painted our kitchen nook; our kitchen; our dining room; our living room; our bedroom; and our master bathroom. We have also refinished two bedside tables; one piano bench; one big, pain in the ass, dresser; and one coffee table. This weekend we will be finishing the front steps with stone and (maybe) staining the porch. We still need to tear up the carpet (all of it) and put down new floors; and paint the stairwell/upstairs hallway, office and guest bathroom. Eventually I'd like to paint the guest room, too, but I really can't stomach all of the work we have to do now, much less adding that to the plate. We also have to refinish two more end tables and one more dresser.

I'm fucking exhausted, needless to say. I mean, I haven't even done most of the work, but just keeping the house clean in the midst of all of these projects exhausts me, and the thought of the projects that we want to do long-term exhausts me (the backyard, a patio area, the retaining wall). But it is very exciting. We love our house and, slowly but surely, it is becoming our home.

I just wish it was done.

So, that's more or less what I've been up to since my last entry MONTHS AGO. Not the whole time, just since early April. Before that it was just lethargy.

I will do my best to actually write in this thing from here on out. I don't plan on turning this into some design blog or renovation blog or anything (because I can guaran-damn-tee you I would rarely update it then), but this whole renovating a living space shit gives you a lot to talk about. And I'm sure most of you are sick of hearing us talk about when we (rarely) see you these days, but that's tough. Because now we're one of those couples!!!