When you're young and unemployed in a new town, what do you do? Sulk at home with your cats? No! You do this! And by "this," I mean you start a blog!


Also, Solitude Is Boring

Disclaimer: Read this with a healthy dose of sarcasm.

I just need to get this off of my chest: I AM SO TIRED OF SPENDING WEEK AFTER WEEK IN MY HOUSE.

Phew. Okay, good to go. And good thing, because I really have nothing else to say about being unemployed and I have no intention of blogging about being unemployed.

Or do I? Can I make that funny? Or will it just come across as sad and pitiful?

I should be enjoying this, right? I thought I would, too, and then I remembered I'd be unemployed during the Winter, which is so god awful that I can't even put it into words. To spend the most depressing months and shortest days of the year in solitude (not constant solitude, obviously; it's not like I'm alone 24/7) can take quite a toll on your mind, especially if it's as feeble and wobbly as mine. If I could have rigged this up so I would have been unemployed during the Spring and Summer, I would have been set. Who doesn't want to have those seasons off? Of course, nothing ever works out the way you hope, especially if you're me.

Also, I find myself talking to our cats, and even our fish, on a daily basis. Like, we have conversations. Except when I say "we" I obviously mean "me" because the cats can't speak outside of their typical cat noises. Which means I spend a great deal of my time just talking to myself. Annoying.

Bill and I were talking last night about the crazy shit that just runs through your mind throughout any given day. Would you share most of your bizarre, freakish, creepy thoughts with people? I wouldn't. I'd probably be locked up, either in jail or in an institution of some sort. Travis, Interrupted. As long as someone can sneak me cartons of cigarettes. Anyway, we were talking about this and I said, "You know, I should try writing down all of my random thoughts one day." You know, since I don't have a job. And clearly I have better things to do than actually look for one. Like writing down the random synapse firings I experience in one day. Or writing this blog. See? My life is important. I do important, relevant things.

That makes it sound like I'm having some kind of existential crisis, I know. "My life is important." Wah wah, blah blah blah. I'm not. Having an existential crisis, that is. I don't really even care what purpose I serve in the grand scheme of things, and outside of some "experiments" in college (and watching i ♥ huckabees) I could never really be bothered to even ponder it. So I know that's not the problem, at least not right now. I'm sure by the time I hit 30 I'll be in the midst of one. It's just how I roll. All crises come in due time to those who believe that crises find them.

So I've managed to pseudo-blog about being unemployed and I have also displayed some of the utterly inane and pitiful thoughts that can just ravage my brain at any given moment. It's good to see my B.A. in Creative Writing is really serving its purpose.

My grandparents would be so proud.


Lies, Lies, Lies

This is what really gave my day a kick in the ass. I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Until Lawrence O'Donnell was cut off. Because he was telling the truth. And because he was angry. Well, I say, obviously he was angry. Everyone should be angry when they talk about the massive failures that led to us being attacked on 9/11. And everyone who was serving in the Bush administration at the time (and any who still attempt to paint George W. Bush in a positive light) should be ashamed of themselves, at the least. Most of them should be locked up for war crimes, but that's another rant.

I mean, to me it's obvious why Lawrence O'Donnell was so angry. Marc Thiessen (a former Bush speechwriter; he's got pretty big eggs, I'll give him that) claims that the Bush administration had no idea who hit us on 9/11. No idea, he says. No idea?

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US. That's from the President's Daily Brief, August 6, 2001. A brief that he may have never even read and, if he did read it, he failed to act on the information it contained. We knew Al Qaeda was a problem before George W. Bush ever took office. He has even been quoted as saying that he knew it was a huge problem when he took office. But for the first 8 months of his presidency, he did nothing to act on any gathered intelligence, any information we may have had about possible attacks in or aimed at the United States. So Marc Thiessen is lying when he says we didn't know who attacked us. Someone knew. Someone wrote up a memo for the POTUS containing information which warned that a well-known (and CIA-trained) terrorist leader was making plans to attack the United States. We knew; we just didn't bother to take any proactive actions to prevent anything from happening. On top of that memo that the POTUS apparently either forgot or never read to begin with, if we hadn't been able to infer that it was a terrorist attack based on the knowledge we had before 9/11, we still knew within hours (thanks to the FBI) who the hijackers were because the luggage belonging to Mohamed Atta (their ringleader) never made it on to his plane. Also, the NSA, as well as various German intelligence agencies, were able to intercept communications that indicated the involvement of Osama Bin Laden the day of the attacks. So, whether before September 11, 2001 or on September 11, 2001, we knew who attacked us. It was never a mystery.

I don't agree with conspiracy theorists when they say the government planned 9/11. However, I do believe the administration of George W. Bush is by and large responsible for what happened that day. Their blatant refusal to acknowledge any warnings about potential strikes in the United States led to the deaths of almost 3,000 people. Then, they decided to spend the next seven years milking that day for all they could. They turned us into a country of fear, just because they had the power to make us scared, and for someone like Marc Thiessen to pretend that they kept our country "safe" and to then insinuate that our current president, Barack Obama, is "inviting" a new attack is beyond shameful. It's a bald-faced lie. That's all these people know how to do and it is all they have ever known how to do: lie. They lied to us so we would support them no matter what they decided to do. They lied to us because they didn't want us to dig deeper. They lied to us for eight years about everything, big or small, important or not. And they're still lying to us. I would like to ask Marc Thiessen and his disgusting ilk to please not piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. The American people, while often stupid and susceptible to manipulation, do not deserve the treatment we have received from these immoral wastes of life. These are the same people who told us for eight years that if you said something bad about the POTUS, it was unpatriotic! TREASON, they'd say! BULLSHIT, I say. If that was unpatriotic and "treasonous" (which it wasn't), then saying that the sitting POTUS is inviting another terrorist attack is no different. Right? Right.

I feel as though there's really nothing new I can bring to this topic. I'm not a scholar, but I remember that day like it was yesterday. Being 18 and living away from home for the first time in a new state (not that far from the Shanksville crash site), I was dumbfounded. But I wasn't dumbfounded enough to buy the bullshit the Bush administration fed me then and I'm certainly not dumb enough to buy it now. So, Marc Thiessen and Karl Rove and Dana Perino and Dick Cheney and Ari Fleischer and Donald Rumsfeld and Tom Ridge and all of the assholes who infest Fox News and everyone else who thinks that George W. Bush was a competent and just president, can just save it. Those of us who know anything, know you're liars. It's what you do best.


Sarah Palin Is (And Always Will Be) A Big, Fat, Stinking Idiot

Oh Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. I've said it before and I'll say it again (and probably again and again and again and again and...ad nauseam) but every time I think you can't say anything that is more stupid than the last thing you said, you prove me wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Unbelievable. You are unbelievable. There just are no words. They should have sent a poet? No. Even a poet couldn't find the words to describe how stupid and unbelievable and absolutely horrible you are.

This past weekend Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker at the Tea Party Convention down there in Nashville. Incidentally, how the hell does a group who isn't even an actual party have a convention? They're not a real party. Will they become one? Well, we Democrats can only hope, because the more division and idiocy that we see come out of a fractured Republican Party, the better for us, right? Well, maybe. Democrats suck at getting behind an idea, too, so really, who knows? But that's a tale for another time. Sarah's speech on Saturday was a blundering mash-up of good ol' right wing lunacy, warmongering, crib notes and a basic lack of understanding of how the world works. In short, she made an idiot out of herself AGAIN and AGAIN proved why people who only have three wrinkles on their brain shouldn't be allowed to speak for anyone. She is a moron. It can't be said enough. A MORON.

She made fun of Barack Obama for using a teleprompter. Well, she had notes written on the palm of her hand. By the way, Sarah, Ronald Reagan was notorious for his expert, flawless use of teleprompters as well, so maybe remember that the next time you stick your stiletto heel in your oversized, blabbering mouth. Or at least try to hide your little peeks at your palm. Idiot.

She also asked, "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya?" Excuse me? Excuse me? How is using Facebook as a political platform - you know, the kind where no one can argue with you or ask you questions - working out for you, Sarah? How is not understanding that the majority of the American people don't agree with idiots like you? I mean, I didn't think it could get worse than George W. Bush on the stupidity front, but he might as well be the head of Mensa when compared to Sarah Palin. "Hope-y, change-y?" Seriously? I'm supposed to take you seriously when you talk like a 5-year old? Cute the cutesy bullshit, Sarah; I know that's your schtick with that miserable little accent you've cultivated and that you like people to believe you're as wholesome as baked Alaskan salmon, but people are hip to your game. We know you're a vindictive, backstabbing, vile creature who uses her children in order to keep her name in the news. You should be ashamed of yourself, not just because you're mocking the average folks you claim to be speaking for (most of whom voted for that guy who now lives in the White House - the one who actually is a genius) but because you have used your children to make you look sympathetic and "real." The whole blow-up over Rahm Emanuel using the word "retard" last week is just the latest in a long line of examples. Do I agree with Emanuel using the word in a derogatory manner? Of course not. But it was in a private conversation that didn't involve Sarah Palin in any way, shape or form. Should he be fired for using the word "retard?" Of course he shouldn't be fired. That's ridiculous and that just proves how little Sarah Palin understands about the way the world works. Rahm Emanuel's a dick, to be sure, and has many, many shortcomings, but he is brilliant at what he does and the fact that he's so vicious and slithers around so slickly behind the scenes is what justifies having a man like him serve as the POTUS chief-of-staff. Which begs the question, if Rahm Emanuel should be fired for using the word "retard" in a private conversation, shouldn't Rush Limbaugh be fired for saying it LIVE on the RADIO? Apparently not. Sarah loves Rush and his big, fat, slimy mouth and said it was "satire" when he said the word. Satire, huh? Rush Limbaugh doesn't understand the meaning of the word "satire." Everything Rush Limbaugh says is laced with vitriol for the human race. He has no concern for anyone but himself, and that should be obvious. The same goes for Sarah Palin, in fact. She throws everyone under the bus - including her mentally disabled INFANT son - in order to get ahead.

She continued to mock our president, saying that he was "misguided." I mean, I can't believe I just typed that. SARAH PALIN thinks BARACK OBAMA is misguided. Do I even need to elaborate on how I feel about that? I don't agree with a lot of what Barack Obama has done, but to say he's misguided is a serious accusation. The man has spent a year cleaning up the mess of the man who was president before him, and it's going to take longer to finish the job. Should everything be blamed on George W. Bush? No, but I think it's fair to say that a whole pile of shit can be blamed on George W. Bush. Sarah Palin calling anyone "misguided" is ludicrous. Which plays really well into my next point: THE WOMAN THINKS WE SHOULD DECLARE WAR ON IRAN!!! IRAN!!! Are you kidding me with this shit? A comedian couldn't make this shit up! What the fuck are you thinking, Sarah Palin? Declare war on Iran? Because we're not already embroiled in war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan (don't be fooled - we are at war in Pakistan), let's add another Mid-East superpower to the list. Does she not understand what she just said? Declaring war - WAR, not just dropping bombs, but full-blown WAR - on Iran would be a death wish, not because they could nuke us (which is also incredibly unlikely) but because they're nothing like Afghanistan or Iraq. There's political turmoil, sure, but it's nothing like the countries we're already occupying. This is obscene and it's an incredibly careless thing to say. She is clearly just talking right out of her ass with no thought to the consequences of her words, and that is beyond dangerous. This is why people like her cannot be allowed to have any power in this country: they would send us to ruin. You think things suck for our economy now? Well. Just wait until Sarah Palin declares war on Iran and see how quickly you try to snag a passport and move your ass to another country. Ya damn Socialist.

Oh, and then she said that "[w]e need a commander in chief" not a professor of law. What a bitch, man. Sarah Palin, what we need is a professor of law, a man who actually understands our Constitution and what a heavy weight it is to lead a country like ours with some semblance of dignity and respect for what the Constitution means. What we don't need is a beauty queen-cum-sportscaster with a degree in communications telling us that we should go to war with Iran. Who would you rather have as your president? A man who attended Harvard Law School and Columbia University and taught Constitutional Law or a woman who attended Hawaii Pacific University (until she left because there were too many Asians - NOT KIDDIING!), North Idaho College, Matanuska-Susitna College and the University of Idaho, became a sportscaster and spent half a term as governor of Alaska, before she QUIT (VOLUNTARILY!) to make money off of her poorly ghostwritten book? I know who I'd choose every time. And it ain't the Wicked Witch of the North.

I hope Sarah Palin runs for president in 2012. Really, I do. Because, if she even gets the nomination (doubtful - the Republicans aren't exactly her biggest fans anymore either) she will be torn to shreds in the debates with President Obama. He will tear her assholes in places you didn't even know you could have assholes. That alone is enough reason to hope she gets the nomination.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I doubt it.

P.S.: Watch the convention speech for yourself here. Thank me later.