When you're young and unemployed in a new town, what do you do? Sulk at home with your cats? No! You do this! And by "this," I mean you start a blog!


Lies, Lies, Lies

This is what really gave my day a kick in the ass. I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Until Lawrence O'Donnell was cut off. Because he was telling the truth. And because he was angry. Well, I say, obviously he was angry. Everyone should be angry when they talk about the massive failures that led to us being attacked on 9/11. And everyone who was serving in the Bush administration at the time (and any who still attempt to paint George W. Bush in a positive light) should be ashamed of themselves, at the least. Most of them should be locked up for war crimes, but that's another rant.

I mean, to me it's obvious why Lawrence O'Donnell was so angry. Marc Thiessen (a former Bush speechwriter; he's got pretty big eggs, I'll give him that) claims that the Bush administration had no idea who hit us on 9/11. No idea, he says. No idea?

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US. That's from the President's Daily Brief, August 6, 2001. A brief that he may have never even read and, if he did read it, he failed to act on the information it contained. We knew Al Qaeda was a problem before George W. Bush ever took office. He has even been quoted as saying that he knew it was a huge problem when he took office. But for the first 8 months of his presidency, he did nothing to act on any gathered intelligence, any information we may have had about possible attacks in or aimed at the United States. So Marc Thiessen is lying when he says we didn't know who attacked us. Someone knew. Someone wrote up a memo for the POTUS containing information which warned that a well-known (and CIA-trained) terrorist leader was making plans to attack the United States. We knew; we just didn't bother to take any proactive actions to prevent anything from happening. On top of that memo that the POTUS apparently either forgot or never read to begin with, if we hadn't been able to infer that it was a terrorist attack based on the knowledge we had before 9/11, we still knew within hours (thanks to the FBI) who the hijackers were because the luggage belonging to Mohamed Atta (their ringleader) never made it on to his plane. Also, the NSA, as well as various German intelligence agencies, were able to intercept communications that indicated the involvement of Osama Bin Laden the day of the attacks. So, whether before September 11, 2001 or on September 11, 2001, we knew who attacked us. It was never a mystery.

I don't agree with conspiracy theorists when they say the government planned 9/11. However, I do believe the administration of George W. Bush is by and large responsible for what happened that day. Their blatant refusal to acknowledge any warnings about potential strikes in the United States led to the deaths of almost 3,000 people. Then, they decided to spend the next seven years milking that day for all they could. They turned us into a country of fear, just because they had the power to make us scared, and for someone like Marc Thiessen to pretend that they kept our country "safe" and to then insinuate that our current president, Barack Obama, is "inviting" a new attack is beyond shameful. It's a bald-faced lie. That's all these people know how to do and it is all they have ever known how to do: lie. They lied to us so we would support them no matter what they decided to do. They lied to us because they didn't want us to dig deeper. They lied to us for eight years about everything, big or small, important or not. And they're still lying to us. I would like to ask Marc Thiessen and his disgusting ilk to please not piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. The American people, while often stupid and susceptible to manipulation, do not deserve the treatment we have received from these immoral wastes of life. These are the same people who told us for eight years that if you said something bad about the POTUS, it was unpatriotic! TREASON, they'd say! BULLSHIT, I say. If that was unpatriotic and "treasonous" (which it wasn't), then saying that the sitting POTUS is inviting another terrorist attack is no different. Right? Right.

I feel as though there's really nothing new I can bring to this topic. I'm not a scholar, but I remember that day like it was yesterday. Being 18 and living away from home for the first time in a new state (not that far from the Shanksville crash site), I was dumbfounded. But I wasn't dumbfounded enough to buy the bullshit the Bush administration fed me then and I'm certainly not dumb enough to buy it now. So, Marc Thiessen and Karl Rove and Dana Perino and Dick Cheney and Ari Fleischer and Donald Rumsfeld and Tom Ridge and all of the assholes who infest Fox News and everyone else who thinks that George W. Bush was a competent and just president, can just save it. Those of us who know anything, know you're liars. It's what you do best.

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